Certifikat - Healthy Meal Standard

Criteria for obtaining a certificate

Healthy Meal Standard (HMS) je međunarodni Sustav upravljanja kategorijama prehrane čiji je cilj uspostaviti sigurnost, sljedivost i optimizaciju lanca prehrane s ciljem povećanja kvalitete prehrane za krajnjeg korisnika.

Kako bi vaša organizacija pristupila cjelokupnom procesu, potrebno je provjeriti postoje li osnovni uvjeti: aktivno provođenje HACCPa, posjedovanje kuhinje (ili partnera koji ima kuhinju) te nepostojanje incidenata u lancu sustava hrane u posljednjih 6 mjeseci.

The Certification process is completed authorized certification house.

What does the HMS process look like?

Proces Sustava za Upravljanje Kvalitetom Prehrane HMS sastoji se od 4 glavna procesa: Analize, Implementations, Certifications and Maintenance.

The facility can prepare the analysis independently or with the help of licensed consultants. The analysis also includes a check of the Conditions for applying for admission to HMS.

General requirements for obtaining a certificate

The organization must meet the general requirements:


  • Determine the processes that are necessary for the food quality management system and their application in the organization
  • Determine the criteria and methods necessary to ensure the effective development and management of these processes, and determine the sequence and interaction of these processes
  • Ensure the availability of the necessary resources and information necessary to support the implementation and monitoring of these processes
  • Monitor, measure and analyze these processes and implement procedures necessary to achieve planned results and continuous improvement of these processes
  • Establish the HMSAT team and their activities
  • Create a Manual for managing the HMS food quality management system.
  • Create a book of norms and menus.

Analysis of HMS

Obtaining basic information from the facility, confirmation of compliance with basic conditions, making an offer for cooperation.


Collecting information



Educating staff, reviewing and documenting the current food chain, collecting the remaining necessary documentation.



Creation of menus and norms in accordance with the selected categories and the possibilities and needs of the analyzed object.



Testing of staff for HMSAT, submission of reports on the food chain, review of expressed menus and norms, team leader selects HMSAT, presentation of proposals for SUKP.



Creation of the Manual for managing the HMS Food Quality Management System, finalization of the Menu Book and regulations.



HMSAT meeting, movement to SUKP.HMS testing for the reported facility, analysis and corrective actions.



Examination of the certification house to meet all the requirements of HMS.SUKP, if the certification of the facility and contracting of supervision is positive.



After successful SUKP.HMS certification, it is valid for three years. During this period, the facility is obliged to maintain SUKP.HMS independently or with the help of licensed consultants, and to actively participate in the implementation of supervision.

Certified facilities

We have been certifying facilities since 2017, and in 2016 we performed a test of the food quality system at Hotel Valamar Diamant.

HMS supporters

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